Dog Training At Home

Dog Training At Home

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Potty Training Dogs In 4 Incredibly Effective Ways!

Potty training dogs comes down to Four easy tricks that, if implemented adequately, can help you potty train your pet dog in no time! It is generally seen as a hard process predominantly on the grounds that majority of the new pet owners are unaware of these few simple strategies I'll give you on this page. Similarly to any other dog training strategy make sure to be patient and consistent as no dog was housebroken overnight.

Potty Training Dogs Part 1 - Make A Den

To accelerate potty training dogs you can establish an isolated living area for your pet. Most dogs are naturally den creatures and they will not soil it because it plays an important role in their everyday life (they utilize it to get some sleep and hide from all the fuss around them). This is a very effective method to stimulate your four-legged friend to learn to be in charge of his physiological mechanisms.

Potty Training Dogs Part 2 - Show Him The Toilet

At the beginning of potty training you have to take your pet dog to one chosen earlier area regularly and use only one command ('outside' or 'go potty') to induce the elimination activity. This way he'll get accustomed to relieving himself in the open air and will identify this activity with one particular word.

Potty Training Dogs Part 3 - Watch The Clock

While potty training dogs it is very important consider the fact that dogs are able to relieve themselves soon after they have finished eating (first twenty minutes. You should utilize this information to your benefit and arrange the meals regularly so that you are aware when to take your pet out. By doing this you will save yourself plenty of time and nerves on eradicating the mess that your four-legged friend left on the flooring.

Potty Training Dogs Part 4 - The reason why Punishment Will Never Get You Far

You must never scream or hit your puppy because it will only make him more stressed and baffled as to what you want him to do. Instead, ignore the bad actions and cheer your dog every time he does something constructive. Canines will do anything to obtain your interest and please you so not paying attention to their actions is the most practical weapon if you wish to keep your furry friend from indulging in unwanted activities.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How To Train A Dog To Sit

Learning how to train a dog to sit is an important task for any new dog owner.It is important to developing a relationship with your dog. Bond with your dog before training.

Here are some steps on how to train a dog to sit.

You can sit with your dog on your left or face your dog so that you are at his level and say "sit". Make sure that you sit close to him — that way you will be able to provide your dog with his reward more quickly.

It is important in training that a correct response be followed immediately by a reward. As the dog begins to sit, praise him loudly and enthusiastically, “Good Dog!” and quickly give him his treat. Keep using treats until the dog knows exactly what you mean and sits every time you tell him. Hold a treat right near your pet's nose, just out of his or her reach. Keep the treat at nose level. If the treat is held too high, the dog will jump.

Show your dog a lot of positive attention and encouragement during the training process. Use phrases like, "Good dog," frequently accompanied by pats on the head.

Keep trying and reward any progress the dog makes. Never punish your dog for not sitting. He won’t understand what he is being punished for and punishment just doesn’t work well in animal training. Limit the training sessions to five minutes at a time. Working for longer periods may be unproductive, as the dog will lose interest.