Dog Training At Home

Dog Training At Home

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How do I house-train my new dog?

He is a little younger than a year. He's a lab mixed with a spaniel or setter, something, if that matters.
We live on a farm, and I don't like having him outside all the time. It has been raining a lot lately and he looks so sad sometimes. I want him inside with meeee. :)
So how do I get him trained so he doesn't make messes on the carpet? The training video didn't help much.
I am 14 btw and my mom would help.

Can a dog take care of a cat?

First off, I know how this question sounds, so please read entire question before making fun of this.
Given that the main responsibilities of taking care of a cat are feeding it, and changing the litter, would it be possible to have a very intelligent dog (thinking border collie) perform these functions, if I set it up to make it easier?
For the food, I would have a large food dispenser, and maybe something similar for the litter. Thus for food, dog just hits a button, and for litter something a little more involved than that.

How long did you enroll your dog in training classes?

The majority of people who take level 1 never return for level 2. If you enrolled your dog in obedience classes at what age did you start and how many classes (as in different classes, not weeks of the course) did you enroll in? I really enjoy the classes and would take my dog his whole life if I had the income to support it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Discover How to Stop Dogs from Chewing

Are you getting annoyed by the destructive chewing behavior of your dog? Do you want your puppy or dog to stop chewing shoes, mats, carpets, clothing, furniture and anything he can reach? Dogs don’t have to be angry to do this destructive chewing they do this because this is their natural behavior as dogs. Chewing is part of puppies development and a natural behavior of dogs. To stop dogs from chewing anything around the house, dog owners must be aware of their habits and behavior. Dogs unnecessary chewing is the result of boredom, loneliness, curiosity, hunger and dental problems. For puppies teething can also be added in the main reasons why they chew. To stop dogs from chewing you must understand why dogs chew. For dental problems, dogs keep chewing anything to relieve gum pains. You may observe your dog if they have dental problem when they hesitate to eat even if they are hungry. You may also put attention on how they chew their food. If they always chew on one side of the mouth, your dog might have dental problems. Bad breath and tartar accumulation on the teeth and gums are some of the symptoms of dental problem. It’s a good thing for dogs to be examined by a veterinarian to evaluate dental problems and stop dogs from chewing the wrong things. For puppies with teething problem, you may give safe chew toys to encourage chewing on toys and stop dogs from chewing anything around the house. Boredom stimulates dogs to chew and if you know how to give your dog the needed attention, destructive chewing can be avoided. Take your dog for a walk or play ball with him. Give dogs variety of toys to chew and play with to stop dogs from chewing things he is not supposed to chew. You can also give obedience training to learn more techniques to stop dogs chewing problems. Your dog may have curiosity with the things around your house that’s why he chew anything he can. You can chew proof your house and keep chewable things out of reach of your dog. If you will leave dogs alone without any human supervision, give a nice place for the dogs and toys to play and chew to stop dogs from chewing things around the house. Give your dogs chewable alternatives like chew toys until training to stop destructive chewing becomes effective. When you are correcting your dogs not to chew anything around the house, encourage dogs to chew his toys and give praise for doing the right thing. Appropriate correction of the bad habits and giving praise can stop dogs from chewing the wrong things. You can stop dogs from chewing the wrong things if you know the right techniques and strategies to manage your dogs’ problems. Proper training for your dog is something that dog owners must learn. While chewing is a natural behavior of dogs it can be well managed to stop dogs from chewing anything around the house. Does your dog needs urgent dog house training? Learn the dog house training techniques you must know with the fastest results, whether you keep your dog indoors or outdoors visit Dogs' Corner For more information on how to stop your dogs behavior problem visit Dog’s Obedience Training Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Discover How to Stop Dogs from Chewing. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Best Dog Training Techniques

Did you recently buy, adopt or rescued a dog or a puppy? There are great tips on choosing the best dog training pram for the dog in order to make it obedient, fun to be with and a well behaved dog. Since there are many programs for you to choose from, there are specific qualities that you should look for in the most appropriate program or trainer to train your dog. This article discusses those qualities.

a) Motivational, positive philosophy

A trainer who understands the value of motivational positive philosophy and techniques has the best interest of your dog at heart. Such a trainer knows that the dog's behavior can be influenced in a harmless, positive way. Some of the positive approaches that can be used to train a dog include the reward based, cutting edge or clicker isolation training techniques.

Positive training methods build the confidence and patience of both the dog owner and the dog. There are a number of inhuman and cruel ways to train a dog that should never be used. These techniques utilize shock collars and isolation of the dog. These methods never achieve the desired results because the methods affect the dog's personality and discipline and can cause irreversible damage in the long run.

b) Certified Dog Trainers

If someone else has to train your dog, it has to be a certified behaviorist or dog trainer. Ensure that you understand the different types of credentials and qualifications of the trainer. Certifications assure prospective clients that the dog trainer has the necessary expertise, talent, insight and strategies to improve on the dog's performance. This is very important for adopted, rescued or dogs with known behavioral issues.

c) Continuous testing and assessment

A good training program should take time to examine the dog and give recommendations on a variety of corrective or improvement measures over time. The assessment should be ongoing and should report the progress of training to the dog owner for review in a supportive and collaborative way.

d) A variety of training lessons and options

A good dog training program should offer a variety of options and training lessons from a one-on-one training with the dog owner to group classes for adult dogs, puppies and their handlers. This offers a better training choice for the dog and exposes it to different environment so that it learns how to interact with humans and other dogs.

e) Opportunities to practice new skills

Skills learnt are not so useful unless the dog can demonstrate them in practice. A good training program should give the dog an opportunity to learn, exercise and apply new skills. The dog owner should be aware of all training activities and exercises at all times for maximum exposure.

f) Collaboration with the community

The best dog training program should incorporate the dog's behavior outside and its interaction with other dogs and pets. The owner should be aware of the happenings in the community as far as pets are concerned and ensure that the dog is trained to adapt to any laws and regulations. Collaborations in training nurtures greater understanding and professionalism leading to a vibrant partnership between the canines and humans.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Attack Dog Training

Dogs have been kept as pets since time began. People choose to keep dogs for various purposes. The majority of them are kept as companions, some also serve their leader as guide dogs and others act as guard dogs. Then the are the professional owned dogs who are highly trained as sniffer dogs to help root out drug trafficking or attack dogs as used by the police forces .

All in all we humans just love having dogs as part of our lives. No matter who owns a dog it is our responsibility to make sure the dog has at least basic dog training. To have a dog as an attack dog the importance of dog draining is raised to the highest level.

The Importance of Dog Training
The training of a dog to obey your orders or commands is a very important aspect of the relationship between man and animal. Some people think that when you say training, it means all types of sophisticated and complex commands. Actually it is not so. Having the dog relieve itself outside the house or in the litter box is training, having the dog come when you call it also falls under training, as does the dog recognizing orders such as ‘sit’, ‘catch’ and so on. In other words, each and every aspect that makes the dog behave the way you want it, falls under the purview of training.

The simple commands that you teach your dog on how to behave around the house is basic training. There are however, specific types of training which will make the dog perform certain tasks that you need from it. This includes, training for sniffing out bombs, narcotics, saving injured people, tracking by smell, attacking on command, or when owner is attacked, and so on.

Specialized Training Methods

There are times when attack dog training is specifically needed for guard dogs. There are many reasons why attack dog training is given to dogs:

1. to protect people against harm such as during an assault, or theft
2. to protect cattle or ship from predators
3. to prevent gun shots (police dogs)
4. to attack other dogs for organized dog fights
5. to hunt other animals

Attack dog training is a specialized training and it requires a professional. Utmost care should be taken when imparting such type of training so the dog does go out of control. Just as important it is for the dog to recognize and obey the attack order, so it is to recognize and obey the stop attack order. The dog attack training should be done properly otherwise you risk injury to yourself and others.

The Pros and Cons of Attack Dog Training

Dogs have been kept as pets since time began. People choose to keep dogs for various purposes. The majority of them are kept as companions, some also serve their leader as guide dogs and others act as guard dogs. Then the are the professional owned dogs who are highly trained as sniffer dogs to help root out drug trafficking or attack dogs as used by the police forces .

All in all we humans just love having dogs as part of our lives. No matter who owns a dog it is our responsibility to make sure the dog has at least basic dog training. To have a dog as an attack dog, the importance of dog draining is raised to the highest level.

The Importance of Dog Training
The training of a dog to obey your orders or commands is a very important aspect of the relationship between man and animal. Some people think that when you say training, it means all types of sophisticated and complex commands. Actually it is not so. Having the dog relieve itself outside the house or in the litter box is training, having the dog come when you call it also falls under training, as does the dog recognizing orders such as ‘sit’, ‘catch’ and so on. In other words, each and every aspect that makes the dog behave the way you want it, falls under the purview of training.

The simple commands that you teach your dog on how to behave around the house is basic training. There are however, specific types of training which will make the dog perform certain tasks that you need from it. This includes, training for sniffing out bombs, narcotics, saving injured people, tracking by smell, attacking on command, or when owner is attacked, and so on.

Specialized Training MethodsThere are times when attack dog training is specifically needed for guard dogs. There are many reasons why attack dog training is given to dogs:
1. to protect people against harm such as during an assault, or theft
2. to protect cattle or ship from predators
3. to prevent gun shots (police dogs)
4. to attack other dogs for organized dog fights
5. to hunt other animals
Attack dog training is a specialized training and it requires a professional.

Utmost care should be taken when imparting such type of training so the dog does go out of control. Just as important it is for the dog to recognize and obey the attack order, so it is to recognize and obey the stop attack order. The dog attack training should be done properly otherwise you risk injury to yourself and others.A message from John MailerI hope you found the information you were looking for. I know how frustrating it is to have a problem with your dog.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dog Potty Training Tips Save The Carpet

Dog Potty Training is really essential

If it weren't for the fact that most terriers, such as the Cairn and the Norfolk, are fairly small, their tenacious nature and boundless energy would make them hard to control.

This is the list of dog Herding Breeds according to The American Kennel Club:Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Shepherd, Bearded Collie, Beauceron, Belgian Malinois, Belgian Sheepdog, Belgian Tervuren, Border Collie, Bouvier des Flandres Briard, Canaan Dog, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Collie, German Shepherd Dog, Old, English Sheepdog, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Polish Lowland Sheepdog, Puli, Shetland Sheepdog, Swedish Vallhund. These fiery little dynamos would dig up underground dens and burrows while barking furiously, forcing the inhabitants out where hunters awaited. The poodle is by far the most popular of the non-sporting breeds.

Sporting dog breeds. The instinct to herd in some of them can be strong in these breeds even if most of these are now plain companion dogs that have never even seen a sheep. Unfortunately, the sheer popularity of some of the sporting breeds, most notably cocker spaniels but also Labrador and golden retrievers, has led to a rise in health and behavioural problems. Terrier dog breeds. Belonging to this group are some of the intelligent dog breeds which includes the admired German shepherd dog, most famous for its police work and the Border collies, the most intelligent of all breeds. Working Dog Breeds. When these dogs bite, they don't let go.

Combining the taut muscles and compact power of the bulldog with the tenacity and aggressiveness of the terrier, some controversial bull terrier breeds have been involved in some highly publicized biting incidents, several involving small children. But despite what those who breed and sell crossbreeds might try to tell you, these are not, nor will they likely ever be, recognized as purebred dogs.


Pricked Ears. A lot of information can be garnered from a quick sniff. The wire-haired coat of the dachshund features a higher quantity and density of the harsh primary hairs in a dog's coat. Species such as wolves that inhabit cold climates sport double coats, with a thick, insulating under layer to retain heat and keep the cold at bay. Button ears can been seen in Shetland Sheepdogs and many terriers.

The ears of wild canids, like wolves and foxes, come in only one shape:natural. Other breeds such as German shepherds and golden retrievers have been trained to detect hidden drugs, explosives, and even termites. Called thermoregulation, this ability allows canids to thrive in all types of climates, from the subarctic to the Sahara.

Hairless. Sixteen sharp premolars, including the carnassials, allow the dog to cut and slice flesh, while ten powerful, grinding molars mean the dog can chew the non-flesh parts of its diet-typically vegetables, other vegetation and grains. As omnivores, canids need a variety of specialized teeth to eat the different types of foods in their varied diets.


You won't need any dog training equipment. A few dog treats will do the magic. Well, here's a gift for you:You can now learn it in a snap. Dog Potty Training. You can leave him alone for hours in your home.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Consistency & Persistence Pays Off When Training Your Dog

If the rules change from day to day, the dog becomes confused. He needs to
know how to consistently earn reward and avoid punishment or he will give up
responding. The good trainer is consistent and always uses the same command
for the same behavior. Most dog owners teach the dog that the command
"down" means to be in a prone position. Unfortunately, many dog owners use
the same command to mean, lie down, remove thyself from the couch or bed, or
stop jumping on people. When a command has many different meanings, the
word ceases to have an important message.
Give each behavior its own command. The command "off" can be used to mean
paws on the floor, and "down" may remain to define the prone position. After you
decide on consistent commands, the next step is to be persistent in using them.
Dogs are naturally good at persistent behavior, and even better if rewarded for it.
Many a dog owner has given up trying to correct the dog that barks all day or
jumps on people. Dog owners drop out of obedience classes all the time
because they are worn down by their dogs' seemingly persistent behaviors, and
they give up trying to teach their dogs new behaviors. The key is that the owners
gave up, and the dogs learned that persistence pays off. When an owner gives
in, the dog's persistent behavior is strengthened and reinforced. Any determined
dog owner can wear the dog down. Therefore, it is extremely important that you
be more persistent than the dog about continuing the training process until the
dog performs the desired behavior.

The dog must learn that the energy he spends engaging in undesirable behavior
is not worth the effort, because you will persist. If you correct him for jumping up
the first four times and don't correct him for the fifth jump up you simply teach him
to jump up five times for the payoff. Similarly, if you correct the dog for barking at
the moon sometimes and not at other times, you teach him that sometimes
barking is acceptable and sometimes it is not. The dog will continue to bark to
determine when barking is acceptable and when it is not acceptable.

Consequently, correcting barking sometimes actually encourages even more
barking. If you don't correct the dog for barking in the backyard because you are
not at home, he will learn that barking is acceptable when you're away. If you
sneak out of the house so as not to cue him that it is acceptable to bark, he only
needs to bark twice with no correction to figure out that you are not at home. A
behavior will be extinguished or changed only if you persist in correcting the dog
every time he misbehaves.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Review of Dog Training Books and Guides

There are many dog training books on the market, let alone the internet. I found the whole thing confusing and needed a book on how to find the right dog training book. Here we have reviewed a few of the top training guides for dogs. We have found that some books seem to be more informative than others and that’s why we have done this review. It seems that some dog training books rely on only one type or style of training and others integrate different types. I have assessed over ten of the most popular dog obedience books on these criteria: fixing any dog behavior problem, tips and secrets to use in your everyday dog obedience training, specific commands and tricks to teach your dog, the best way to select, buy and raise a new puppy or older dog. These are the things that new and old pet owners alike are looking for in a good dog training guide.
I read the books from beginning to end when I first download them. I then try and apply these tricks and tasks to my own dogs to see how user friendly and easy to follow they are.

 Secrets to Dog Training

Secrets to Dog TrainingThis was the first dog training book that I reviewed and was definitely the best. The others paled in comparison for obedience training. I picked up a ton of useful and useable information right away. I have been training dogs for many years, and the approach taught in this guide was very similar to my own style. I was soon applying these dog training techniques outlined in this guide and have had great success with my own dogs. I have corrected the behavior problems in my dogs that I thought I was just going to have to live with. I can’t believe I actually learned so many new tips and techniques.
I was also excited by the money back guarantee that this book offers and the amount of testimonials offered by real people who believed enough in this book to leave their real names and photos. This book gets our highest recommendation here. If you are looking for the best, easiest to use dog training guide, do yourself a favor and check  out Secrets to Dog Training.

Here are just a sample of the topics covered in this dog training guide:
  • Need to stop your dog from trying to fight with other dogs? Learn the best ways to break up dog fights and prevent them from ever happening again.
  • Want to know how to curb your dog’s aggressiveness? Learn six powerful strategies for training aggressive dogs.
  • Did you know that your dog may not know why you are trying to correct him? Learn how to make him understand. This will remove the frustration and rapidly increase the speed of your dog's learning.
  • All the secrets of professional dog trainers are revealed, and best of all are easy to apply! Stop wasting hundreds of dollars.
  • Does your dog require urgent dog house training? Learn the dog house training techniques you must know that get the fastest results, whether you keep your dog indoors or outdoors.
  • Sick of having your dog race out the front door? Read this guide and you’ll never have to worry about this again.
  • Got a dominant dog? Learn how to deal with him.
  • Separation anxiety getting you both down? Find out about the best ways to make it go away.
  • Hate having your dog jump up on you? Learn six simple techniques to stop him jumping up on you ever again!
  • Neighbors getting annoyed with your pet's constant barking? Maybe he doesn’t bark enough? Apply these advanced techniques so that your dog knows when and where it’s appropriate to bark.
  • Dog Whispering is a new, amazing and totally humane training technique. Discover the secrets to making it work for you and your dog.
  • What to do and look out for when there is more than one dog in the house! Having problems with the family cat being harassed? Learn an easy method to let your cat and dog live in harmony!
  • Want to stop your dog eating his own, or other dogs' poop? The technical term for this is coprophagia. Learn to stop this nauseating behavior!
  • Having trouble with your dog pulling on the leash? Find out how to stop this behavior in ten minutes or less with my sure-fire technique.
  • Biting, nipping and mouthing problems can be embarrassing when you have your dog in public. Fix these dog behavior problems once and for all.
  • Discover how to train your dog to learn any command. This book covers in specific detail with photos, many commands such as: Okay and No, Come (Recall), Hold and Leave , Sit, Sit and Stay, Down, Heel, Seek, Stand, Beg for food, Fetch, Catch food , Climb ladders, Shake hands, Crawl, Jump, Rollover and more!
  • Things to consider when exercising or leaving your dog in the heat. Don’t cause him any more stress than you need to! Has your dog got sickness problems? Learn all you need to know about many illness concerns, including stomach gas problems, motion sickness ... and what you must know about selecting a vet for your dog!
  • Learn powerful techniques to solve ANY dog behavior problem such as failsafe methods for dog house training (toilet training) (see the House Training bonus book), professional secrets to training an aggressive dog – no matter what the circumstances: digging, barking , worms , fleas , gas problems , fighting , destroying your stuff, and much, much more is covered in this comprehensive, easy to follow book.
As you can see, a wide range of topics is covered in this dog training book. All the topics are covered in very simple, easy to follow steps. Secrets to Dog Training is simply the best dog training guide we could find.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Basics Dog Training - Tips on how NOT to train your dog

The re-call is one of the easiest commands to teach but one of the quickest to trash. Many owners ruin their dog's desire to come when called by doing one or all of the following:
* Calling the dog when they're angry.
* Calling the dog when they're about to do something he doesn't like (for example, nail clipping and bathing).
* Calling the dog to put on his leash at the dog park.
* Calling the dog to be put in confinement.
* Waiting to praise the dog until he gets to them.
* Not rewarding the dog sufficiently.
* Calling their off-leash dog to come before he is trained.

During basics dog training call your dog a number of times during off-leash play sessions. When he comes back to you, let him know how pleased you are and give him his favourite treat and then tell him to go back and play again.
By doing this very regularily you are accomplishing two important things here:checking to make sure your dog complies and teaching your dog that coming to you does not mean the end of play, but an opportunity for him to receive yourlove and attention and his reward.
Remember the more fun it is for your dog the quicker he will learn new commands.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Police K9 dog training - Very aggressive dog

International Police K9 Conferences - Custom & Private Seminars

The International Police K9 Conference is renowned world wide for its quality of instructors and programs alike. With the finest and most professional instructors available anywhere in the world, the International Police K9 Conferences provide a challenging opportunity for police dog teams at any level of expertise. The Police K9 Management program is breaking new ground and introducing new concepts in how dogs are deployed in law enforcement. Our goal is to make K9 work in policing professional in such a manner that each of our jobs is safer through sound tactical training, and to bring all officers and administrators involved in K9 work closer together to strengthen police dog training and deployment ethics and standards. Look for our upcoming courses for a program near you. For private group or specialized police or military oriented K9 courses and seminars, contact Bob Eden.   
Our Philosophy
“Your mission is clear cut and well defined. The set of philosophies you develop in order to achieve that mission will determine whether you make a beneficial contribution to the role police dogs play in modern law enforcement or whether you become a liability which undermines the good work of many men before you.”
Consulting Services
Eden & Ney Associates Inc. K9 Academy For Law Enforcement retains some of the worlds most renowned names in police dog training. Every officer working as a consultant with the Academy is well versed in all aspects of police K9 training and deployment. Each officer also has their own special field of expertise that they specialize in. If you are an agency setting up a new program in need, an agency with an experienced team of handlers that would like advanced tactical or technical training, or an association wishing to host an advanced training seminar, we specialize in providing programs that are custom tailored to fit those needs. We will travel to any nation in the world to assist in setting up agencies and provide training in any aspect police dog work. Each officer on the list is also capable of providing expert witness testimony in their field of expertise.
Law Enforcement, Military and SAR K9 Software
The K9 Activity Tracking System is a dynamic record keeping program designed specifically for police K9 operations, training and applications. Our system has been developed by police K9 officers, prosecuting attorneys and software engineers to meet the needs of today’s dog teams. KATS is the original K9 Database System, very popular in Law Enforcement as an in depth analysis program of training activity and deployments of police dogs, as well as its use in court to buffer against potential liability issues. You have everything you need about your entire section or an individual dog team at the touch of your fingertips. Also popular in the SAR field, KATS can be completely modified and adapted to your needs.

Basic Dog Training Tips : How to Train a Dog to Stop Barking