Dog Training At Home

Dog Training At Home

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dog Training at Home - Myth No. 1

Let me explain. Many owners set aside and plan of dog training sessions. They have a set time, gather their tools (all kinds of goodies, remote controls, son), and go to a specific location (backyard, park, or even the class weekly dog ​​training). It's great! These owners are much better than those who believe that patents per day on the head or a steady salvo "SIT!" orders from time to time is equivalent to a system of dog training successfully. But what many dog ​​owners or management are unaware or simply do not put into practice is the fact that you're actually training your dog when you're with your dog.
Your dog stands up on your verbal and nonverbal of all time. If you spring and use the phone whenever it rings, you train your dog he is allowed to rise up and running whenever he hears that tone. Say you are relaxed at night when you get home from work, but totally stressed in the morning. You are essentially training your dog there is a reason to be stressed in the morning (not very good when you're about to leave them alone for a while). If you are nervous every time you pass by the neighbor who walks their Great Dane on the other side of the street the morning, you train your dog to be nervous if the dog is in sight.
Remember, even when the signals are not directed at your dog, your dog takes on them. There is no line between formal and informal. You are training your dog, even when you're not "training" your dog. That's what I call "involuntary training." It just happens. The important thing is to try to recognize when you can make this involuntary training work for you.
Structured training is, of course, always an essential part of dog training, and form of involuntary training that I just mentioned do not in any way replace the need for such a structure.
Here's what we believe are key concepts to successful training, and a brief description of each:

By timing I mean the amount of time that passes between your dog's action (or inaction) and corresponding praise (or reprimand). This time should be no more than two to three seconds. If the time is any longer, the chances are your dog will not associate your words with his actions.
Do not fall into the trap of calling your dog to you to reprimand him. As mentioned above, by the time he gets to you he has long forgotten what he has done wrong and now thinks that you are telling him off for coming to you! Always praise your dog when he comes to you.
Use praise whenever your dog has completed an exercise correctly. Praise should also be delivered to your dog as soon as the desired act has been done (remember the timing thing). When delivering praise look directly into the dog's eyes so that he understands the connection
between your voice or touch and his action.
Deliver praise verbally or with the hand by either patting or stroking. Try not to over praise your dog as excessive chatter will only serve to confuse him and may disrupt his concentration for the rest of the training session.

Generally speaking, try not to rely too heavily on food as your only reward or bribe. However, alternating treats with displays of affection can be a useful way of overcoming problems that your dog may have in learning some of the exercises.

Hand signals By a specific hand movement while making a voice command can be an effective means of training a dog to respond to different stimuli. And it helps to accustom your dog to respond to long distances. Finally, you can detach your dog off the voice command so that it responds to the signal one hand. Give hand signals in front and overhead of the dog is their best field of vision.

Perhaps the most important aspect of building a successful relationship with your dog will be your rapport with him. If you make your dog into a close friend by doing such things as talking to him, playing with him, and taking him for long walks, he will be much more responsive and attentive when you are training him.

Spending QUALITY TIME with your dog is the key.

Delivering consistent messages to your dog will help him to view his world as black and white rather than various shades of grey. By consistent messages, I mean the commands that you decide to use to train, praise, and reprimand your dog should always be the same.
It is important that all members of the family are aware of this and use the same commands themselves, as you would not want to undermine the hard work that you have put in to training the dog by having other people confusing him.

Dogs are creatures of habit and learn by repetition. It will take several repetitive training sessions for your dog to get the response you require implanted into his brain and for the action to become automatic.
Dogs require refresher sessions throughout their lives so that the conditioned response that you want is not lost. Remember prevention is far better than having to correct the action at a
later stage.
Session Length
Keep formal sessions short and enjoyable so that your dog maintains concentration throughout. Quality not quantity is the golden rule. Always finish a training session on a positive note.

Be reasonable in your expectation of what your dog can achieve. It will take time to get results.
You should ensure that you have the dog's full attention and that you are giving your best when performing a training session. You may wish to settle yourself or the dog down by taking a long walk before the session commences.

Eye Contact
Using eye contact can be more effective than using the spoken word - more so if there is a close bond between dog and owner. If a dog wishes to communicate with you, he will look directly into your eyes trying to read your intent. It is well known that dogs that do not make good eye contact can be difficult to train.

The importance of the trainer being seen as the pack leader in the dog's eyes is imperative. In a pack situation if a dog steps out of line it is chastised and made aware of its transgression immediately by superior dogs in the pecking order.

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