Dog Training At Home

Dog Training At Home

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dog Commands: Speak the Language

The choice of language in teaching a dog is a powerful training tool. German dog commands have long been considered especially effective because the words employed are short and forceful. This is not to say, however, that English does not work equally well, but using a foreign language as the basis for dog commands does give an owner unique control over their animal. All commands, whether they are service dog commands or basic dog commands should be tailored to the unique relationship between a given animal and its master.

The Common English Dog Commands

Basic commands in English form the foundation of your communication with your pet.
The Dog's Name
A dog is an intelligent animal. It will respond to its name quickly. Initially, when naming an animal, use the name you choose consistently so the dog learns the word and associates it with himself. Later, when the dog is more mature, you can use affectionate variations. Dogs are at least as intelligent as young human children. They will quickly figure out that when you say, "James Dog" you mean businesses whereas "Jimmy Pup" is probably an invitation to go play ball.

Saying "good" to a dog means you are praising him. This should be your consistent "praise" word and can be accompanied by a treat as reinforcement. (Reinforcement is a key concept in successful dog training. You should always reward your dog for following commands and exhibiting good behavior.)
Any parent will tell you that "no" means "no." Your dog should understand this as well. The word is short, forceful, and can be accompanied by a disapproving stare, but not by a threatening physical movement.
"Off" is a good, short word indicating the dog should put down what it's doing or move away to another area. (This would be an appropriate command if your dog is made to jump up on people, for instance.)
"Wait" should tell the dog to stop and wait your further instructions. It doesn't matter if the dog is sitting or standing, but it should respond by being absolutely still.

By using this same set of commands in another language, you can help to insure your dog's obedience to you and to you alone. If this is your goal, then you should start using the language in the beginning to train. Dog commands should only be taught once to avoid confusing the animal. Many owners who choose to use a different language opt for German dog commands.

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