Dog Training At Home

Dog Training At Home

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Train A Puppy Like A Professional Trainer

Nobody can ignore the energy and excitement of adding a new puppy to your family. You'll want to spend every available second with him or her - and, not just because they make you so happy, but because it takes consistent, correct training to help your puppy learn to fit in.
To train your puppy right, you need to train yourself to do it right. Even little humans must be taught where to go to the bathroom, and what they should and shouldn't chew on! Your puppy wants to make you happy. A dog will respond to training because they're loyal, smart animals - but they are still animals, and they don't start out very civilized. Starting from the very first hour as a member of your family, you need to take the right steps to help your puppy understand the rules.

How to train a puppy? Starting immediately, that's how!
The first days of your puppy's life in your home, will be with that puppy forever.
The first thing to know is this: when it comes to following the basic rules of living in a human home, there isn't a puppy alive that can train itself. Puppies are little beasts, not funny-shaped humans. They're going to do all the wrong things until you show them otherwise.
To put that another way: It's not the puppy's responsibility to become trained. It's your responsibility to train them in a loving way that builds a family relationship, with training methods that make sense to your little canine student. And, very importantly, you have to start right away.
You want a happy, smart, well-adjusted friend. Your puppy wants that too. If you let your puppy get away with bad behavior for a while, they'll be confused later when you suddenly start to correct them. Starting immediately is key, because just as training your puppy is habit-forming, non-training is habit-forming too.

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