Dog Training At Home

Dog Training At Home

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dog Obedience Training Tips:

Obedience Training
  • The ideal time to start training is when a puppy is about 6 weeks old
  • Praise and reward your dog when he does what is asked immediately after he does it
  • Provide appropriate corrective actions to your dog or puppy immediately after he does something wrong
  • Use a happy, friendly voice for commands such as come and heel
  • Use a lower, firmer voice for stay, down, and sit
  • Never hit or swat at your animal when they mess up, as this will only teach them to be afraid of you
  • Your dog can sense your emotions, so make sure you go into the dog obedience training with a positive attitude
  • 15 minutes at a time is the appropriate time for training for simple commands
  • Dog obedience training may take some work, but it will pay off in the end!
  • Choose a quiet spot free of distractions for your training sessions, such as the back yard
  • Work only on one command at a time, and make sure your dog has this command mastered before moving on to the next command
  • Test the commands in different situations and with different distractions to make sure the dog really understands
  • Never try to correct a behavior you did not catch in the act, as this will do more harm than good
  • Try to incorporate dog training as part of the daily routine, such as having your dog follow a command before you feed him or her
  • Be patient while training, despite how frustrating it can become
  • Obedience training is a time where you and your pet learn each other’s personalities, and you will be creating the bond that will last a lifetime
If you find you just don’t have the knack for dog and puppy obedience training, or have a dog that is particularly hard to train, there are many classes you can take your dog to and let an expert train them. I personally feel it is best to train the dog yourself, in his home. I encourage anyone have problems training their dog to first read a good dog training book such as Secrets to Dog Training before sending your dog off to someone else for training.
Remember, dog training can be fun. Spending time with your dog and creating that special relationship is the reason you got your dog in the first place, so really enjoy this time. Dog obedience training can be fun.

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